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Here you can find or make available for download lectures and other teaching materials pertaining to the domain of Phenomenology, Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Sciences, accompanied by a brief description. The literary property of the published works belongs to the author. Unless explicit indication to the contrary, all texts can be freely reproduced through whatever means, provided that they are not used for profits and the author and the source are always indicated. Contribute to the extension of our repertory. REGISTER and become a member of the Phenomenology Lab Community or keep yourself updated about our activities by clicking on SUBSCRIBE: the Phenomenology Lab feed Rss on your browser bookmark will allow you to see any published post without accessing the site.
Roberta De Monticelli, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele
– Lezioni sull’Etica (Anno Accademico 2009/10, secondo semestre)
Testi di riferimento, Lezione 0, Lezione 1, Lezione 2, Lezione 3, Lezione 4, Lezione 5, Lezione 6, Lezione 7, Lezione 8, Lezione 9, Lezione 10, Lezione 11, Lezione 12, Lezione 13, Lezione 14.
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