
Convegni, seminari di studio, summer school, workshop, festival e altri eventi d’incontro con il pubblico della filosofia |

Conferences, seminars, summer schools, workshops, festivals and other meetings with the philosophy audience

La filosofia s’incontra anche sui Navigli

martedì, 24 Marzo, 2009

“Filosofia sui Navigli” – Un’iniziativa per ripensare insieme alcune tematiche del mondo contemporaneo. Ogni domenica mattina dalle 10.15 alle 11.45 presso “El Brellin” in Vicolo dei Lavandai, angolo Alzaia Naviglio Grande, Milano 29 marzo “L’offesa e la colpa: considerazioni a partire da Caducità di Sigmund Freud” Prof Marco Fortunato, saggista filosofico 05 aprile “Platone: la…

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International Summer School in Affective Sciences 2009

venerdì, 20 Marzo, 2009
International Summer School in Affective Sciences 2009

The first International Summer School in Affective Sciences http://www.affective-sciences.org/ISSAS will take place from August 24 to September 3, 2009, in Chandolin (Switzerland). The focus will be on “Emotion elicitation: appraisal, values and norms” The registration deadline is April 26, 2009.

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The third Cargese consciousness summer school

venerdì, 13 Marzo, 2009
The third Cargese consciousness summer school

CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE SELF CONSCIOUSNESS OF OTHERS The Cargèse III European Summer School on Consciousness will be dedicated to the relations between self and others. The approach of Cargèse summer school is multidisciplinary, including philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, psychiatry, and anthropology. It will take place from May 25th to June 4th 2009 at the Institut d’Etudes…

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Aperitivi e brunch con Sophia

venerdì, 13 Marzo, 2009

Domenica 15 e lunedi 16 Brunch Philosophique e Aperitivi con Sophia Teatro Franco Parenti in collaborazione con la Facoltà di Filosofia dell’Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele Domenica 15 marzo, ore 11.30 BRUNCH PHILOSOPHIQUE Stimolati da un filosofo conduttore, i partecipanti, seduti ai tavoli, si confrontano su alcuni temi filosofici dalla sfera personale alla contemporaneità. Animalia Giuseppe…

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Phenomenology – Sciences – Philosophy

martedì, 10 Marzo, 2009
Phenomenology – Sciences – Philosophy

In April 2009 the Husserl-Archives Leuven will organize a four-day conference on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Edmund Husserl’s birth. The title of the conference is: Phenomenology – Sciences – Philosophy. The director of the Husserl-Archives, Prof. Ullrich Melle, has prepared a brief document on the conference topic, available in English and German.…

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