THE GIFT OF BONDS – just out!

martedì, 3 Settembre, 2024

Why one more book on Phenomenology in this time of tragedy and normalization of genocides and unlimited wars?

Because I take Husserl’s Phenomenology to be, from its very inception, the most neglected, misunderstood, and yet indispensable Neo-Enlightenment Program for Late Modernity.

Completed through the horrors suffered during WWI and the rise of nazism, it is  about the sources of normativity for individual and social life:

  • Addressing our rational agency in any possible domain.
  • A method at hand for us today: demythologizing the core notions of modern philosophy without deconstructing their normative aspect.
  • consciousness, reason, freedom, personhood, society, community, nation, state, humanity: are you sure to master these ideas in such a way as to be able to respond to contemporary historical challenges and the mainstream cynicism of Europe’s and the US political leaders?
  • A philosophical foundation of what we call Global Constitutionalism, reviving Kant’s ignored or forgotten lesson and their utterly new developments by Tomas Garrigue Masaryk, Herbert Spiegelberg, Aurel Kolnai, and all the other modern disciples of Socrates.
  • Chapters 9. Personhood and Society, and 10. The World’s History and the Bonds of Universality are entirely new relative to the (Italian) edition 2018, and so are the more technical chapters on Husserl’s mereology as a foundation for an ontology of concreteness.
  • An Appendix – The Paris-Freiburg Misunderstanding will (maybe) amuse those sharing my claims about the XXth century’s master of sophistry (and not “just” nazism and anti-semitism), Martin Heidegger. And possibly get the others very angry. DOWNLOADABLE HERE. 


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