Conference “Stein’s and Husserl’s Intertwined Itineraries 1916-25” – May 20-21, 2021

giovedì, 13 Maggio, 2021

Stein’s and Husserl’s Intertwined Itineraries 1916-25

May 20-21, 2021

Online Conference


The Center History of Women Philosophers and Scientists (Paderborn University, Germany) in cooperation with the Department of Philosophy (Maynooth University, Ireland) announce an international online conference, organised by Mette Lebech and Ruth E. Hagengruber, on Stein’s and Husserl’s Intertwined Itineraries 1916-25 with focus on Ideas II

Edith Stein attempted already in her doctorate to complement Husserl’s work on phenomenology by a painstaking analysis of empathy including its indispensable role in the constitution of the psycho-physical individual and the person. As Husserl’s assistant 1916-18, she famously edited in particular his Ideas II, perhaps introducing within it a view of this relationship foreign to Husserl’s. This conference attempts to shed light on this matter by bringing into focus the integrity and coherence of their respective contributions in advance of the appearance of the new and revised edition of Ideas II. The focus of this conference and its theme are on Husserl and Stein’s respective understanding of the constitution of the body, and its importance for intersubjectivity and transcendental phenomenology.

The following renowned researchers will give a lecture:

Angela Ales Bello, The Italian Centre for Phenomenological Research, Italy

Paul O’ Hagan,Ulster University, Northern Ireland/UK

Antonio Calcagno, King’s College Western Ontario, Canada

Emanuele Caminada, Husserl Archives Leuven, Belgium

Margaretha Hackermeier, Katholisches Büro Bayern, Germany

Kathleen Haney, University of St. Thomas, USA

Sara Heinämaa, University of Jyväskyla, Finland

Julia Jansen, Husserl Archives Leuven, Belgium

Valentina Gaudiano, Sophia University, Italy

Mette Lebech, Maynooth University, Ireland

James McGuirk, Nord University, Norway

George Heffernan, Merrimack College, USA

Anna Varga Jani, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary

Francesca De Vecchi, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele di Milano, Italy

Mariele Wulf, Tilburg University, The Netherlands


For more information see here.


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