Extended Deadline – CFP “Joint Commitment. Collective Intentionality, Trust, and Political Obligation” – June 15th-17th, 2015, Milan

martedì, 3 Marzo, 2015

Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Spring School of Philosophy 2015

The research centres PERSONA and CeSEP of the Faculty of Philosophy at San Raffaele University, Milan, organize the International Conference and Spring School:

Joint Commitment
Collective Intentionality, Trust, and Political Obligation
June 15th-17th, 2015

Keynote speaker
Margaret Gilbert (University of California, Irvine)

Invited speakers
Francesco Guala (University of Milan)
John Horton (Keele University)
Christian List (London School of Economics)
Seumas Miller (Charles Sturt University, Canberra; Delft University of Technology)
Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl (University of Graz)
Wojciech Żełaniec (University of Gdańsk)

Call for papers

EXTENDED DEADLINE: March 7th, 2015

Joint Commitment is a key-concept labelled by Margaret Gilbert to understand what we are talking about when we speak of what we do, think and feel and of our values, conventions and laws, and therefore to comprehend the structure of our social world. Joint Commitment is a very powerful concept both for our personal and public lives.

“How is one to understand the sense of unity, of connection, the sense of the collective ‘we’? Given disparate human beings with their own personal beliefs, strivings, and so on, what kind of unity is possible? When we talk about our goals, beliefs, values, and so on–what are we talking about?”(Gilbert 2013: 5-6).

The idea of Gilbert’s Joint Commitment covers “a wide range of topics which fall the multifaceted domain of the philosophy of social phenomena” (collective intentionality theory and social ontology). “In so doing they address matters of great significance to several philosophical specialties–including ethics, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of science, and philosophy of law–and outside philosophy as well” (Gilbert 2013: 1).

We invite graduate and PhD students as well as Postdocs and Experienced Researchers to submit papers (23,000 characters, references included) on any of the topics addressed by Margaret Gilbert, Joint Commitment. How to Make the Social World, Oxford University Press, 2013. The accepted papers will be assigned to one of the following sections:

(i) Social Ontology and Collective Intentionality
(ii) Trust and Values
(iii) Legal Philosophy
(iv) Political Theory

Submissions must be prepared for double blind review. Manuscripts should not contain any identifying information and must be accompanied by a separate cover sheet containing the name of the author(s), title of the submitted paper, the author’s affiliation (if any) and contact information, and an abstract of no more than 400 characters.
For stylistic details, see http://www.phenomenologyandmind.eu/on-copyright-and-author-rights/.
Submissions should be sent to socialworld@unisr.it by the 7th of March, 2015. Acceptance will be notified by the 20th of April. Accepted papers will be selected for presentation and for publication on the related issue of Phenomenology and Mind (www.phenomenologyandmind.eu).

Important dates
Deadline for the submissions: March 7th, 2015
Notification of acceptance: April 20th, 2015
Summer School: June 15th-17th, 2015
Publication of the issue: December, 2015

Organizing and Scientific Committee
Stefano Bacin, Roberta De Monticelli, Francesca De Vecchi, Francesca Forlè, Margherita Isella, Lorenzo Passerini Glazel, Giangiuseppe Pili, Francesca Pongiglione, Roberta Sala, Sarah Songhorian, Silvia Tossut.

Scientific Direction
Roberta De Monticelli, Francesca De Vecchi, Francesca Pongiglione, Roberta Sala.

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