Si è conclusa ieri, presso l’Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, la Winter School and International Conference Sense and Sensibility. Empirical and Philosophical Investigations on the Five Senses. Di seguito i link ai video degli interventi.
Opening Address: Michele Di Francesco-Roberta De Monticelli (San Raffaele University).
Keynote Speaker: Barry Smith (University of London), Matters of Taste and Tasting.
Contributed Papers: Alberto Voltolini (University of Turin), The Mark of the Mental.
Keynote Speakers.
Maurizio Ferraris (University of Turin), Why Does Perception Matters.
Daniela Perani (San Raffaele University) , Brain, Music and Emotions.
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Keynote Speakers.
Vittorio Gallese (University of Parma), Embodied Simulation and Touch: the sense of touch in social cognition.
Claudio De’Sperati e Regina Gregori Grgic (San Raffaele University), Psychophysics phenomenologized? Sensation and decision in visual motion perception.
Contributed papers.
Edoardo Fugali (University of Messina), The role of tactility in the constitution of embodied experience.
Alberto Gualandi (University of Bologna), “Sensing Voices”. A theoretical comparison between the aesthesiological approach to schizophrenia and some contemporary phenomenological and neuropsychiatric models.
Keynote Speakers.
Clotilde Calabi (University of Milan), Amodal Completion, Perception and Imagery.
Elisabetta Sacchi (San Raffaele University), The content and the phenomenology of perceptual experience.
Contributed papers: Andrea Zhok (University of Milan), On the reality of percepts: Husserl and Gibson.
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