Winter School, papers on line: Session 3. Social Cognition and Consciousness

sabato, 16 Gennaio, 2010

Milano, 26-27-28 Gennaio 2010

Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele – Dibit 1- Via Olgettina, 58


La mente fenomenologica | The Phenomenological Mind


Session 3. Social Cognition and Consciousness

ore 9,00-13,00 e 14,30-18,00 – Aula Asclepio

Nicola Zippel, Università La Sapienza di Roma, From Pre-reflection to Social Cognition: Self-Consciousness as Becoming Ego Download: 01-nicola-zippel-ws-2010-s3

David Welgus, Universität zu Köln, Philosophy Self-awareness, Social Cognition, and the Semantics of First Person Statements Download: 02-david-welgus-ws-2010-s3

Marco Tedeschini, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Perceiving Subject and Social Cognition (old title: Social Cognition and Consciousness) Download: 03-marco-tedeschini-ws-2010-s3 e 03-marco-tedeschini-ws-2010-s3-references

Anna Bortolan, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, The role of affects in the constitution of pre-reflectiveself-consciousness: how current approaches to the study of self-awareness could be integrated Download: 04-anna-bortolan-ws-2010-s3

Luca Barlassina, Università degli Studi di Milano, Sticking to simulation:or, why Gallagher’s arguments don’t refute Goldman’s theory of mindreading Download: 05-luca-barlassina-ws-2010-s3

Gloria Galloni, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Action, emotion and embodiment in empathic responses Download: 06-gloria-galloni-ws-2010-s3

Marco Fenici, Università di Siena, What does the false belief test test? Download: 07-marco-fenici-ws-2010-s3 (only abstract)

Emanuele Caminada, Universität zu Köln, Higher-order persons:a double ontological challenge Download: 08-emanuele-caminada-ws-2010-s3

Amanda Taylor, Durham University, Relatedness: The importance of Phenomenological Space for Interpersonal Understanding Download: 09-amanda-taylor-ws-2010-s3

Beatrice Kobow, Universität Konstanz, Leaping into Language.The Constitution of the Social Self between pre-intentional Background and self-reflexive Cogito Download: 10-beatrice-kobow-ws-2010-s3

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